Tuesday evening Paul and I decided to have a picnic down by our pond. Its about a two minute from our house.
The basket was a bit heavy so Paul carried it for me. :)
We set the blanket it up on the bank.....the light was really nice for catching the perfect picture.
Paul got a phone call and I tried my luck with fishing. I had never caught a fish before...... On the third cast I pulled one in!! :) First official FISH!!
I went on to catch 6 more fish!! The following pictures are just a few of them.....
This last one got caught on the branches as I reeled him in.
Here are pictures of Paul fishing. Paul's count: 3 fish......who won?!! :)
I love this last one of Paul...it was just perfect.
We got a call from Florida at about 8:30pm that Tuesday evening. Grandpa had a heart attack. Grandma called Uncle Mike who lives five minutes away and he was there soon after. He rushed in and held Grandpa as he took his last breath.
Grandpa was born on February 1st, 1931. He just celebrated his seventy-eighth birthday. He had been married to Grandma for 50+ years. They had lived in Florida for most of the time I have been alive but they did live near us in NY for a few years.
Grandpa was a down-to-earth sensible man. He could always make us laugh with his quick humor. He was the gentlest sweetest Grandpa you could ask for. He loved my Grandma so much. I believe he would have walked across the country for her.
I visited them in Florida a year before his death. I remember that time being so sweet. We went out for dinner at this Italian restaurant, ate ice cream back at the house, and just had fun together. Wonderful memories.
When we received the news that April evening it hit me really hard. I was engaged to Paul at that time and it made me look at Grandpa’s passing in a whole different light. I now had someone of my own that I loved more then life….someone I was going to spend the rest of my life with. Till death do us part. Just as we were entering into the best relationship of our lives…..as husband and wife…..Grandpa was leaving it. It was the brand new start of one marriage and the bitter end of another one. My heart ached for Grandma. The love of her life was gone and she was alone. Just like that. Yesterday he was alive and today gone.
The one thing that kept us joyful in this hard time was the blessed hope that we will see Grandpa again. He knew the Lord Jesus Christ as his savior and we rejoiced in the fact that he is in the glorious presence of the Lord.
I love you Grandpa. I miss you so much. Happy 1st year in Heaven.
Below is a video that Paul put together for Grandpa's memorial service. It made us all cry. A great memorial for a wonderful man.
We are still in Kansas City. Been here for a little over a week now. Enjoying time with Paul's family and going on dates to Starbucks. They don't have those in the country. :)
Today a couple of us girls went out for a coffee. Here are just some pictures I snapped during our time together. The camera made its way to the cute little face of Addie mostly but who is complaining?!!
Sarah is just so pretty..... My father-in-law requested some pictures of the person behind the camera so here you are! :)
Sarah has a business. She creates banners for different occasions. Recently she made a website dedicated to her work (www.classichomemadebanners.com).
Sarah wanted some pictures for her site. So today we headed out with some paintbrushes, a chair, and her box of banners. We found a place near the KC memorial on a hill with a nice background. Our idea was to have Sarah working on banner with all the rest of them blowing around her. The wind worked out perfectly.
Last weekend I had the pleasure of taking Brittany's senior pictures. This was my first official solo shoot of any kind. She really wanted only one full-length shot. I did a few different poses and I think a couple of them turned out well.
This next one wasn't so awesome because her eyes are really dark. I have to work on getting the light right. This last picture is the one Brittany liked the best. I was glad for the opportunity and the experience. Comments, concerns, or craziness accepted.