He is visiting us for the week. Its nice to have another person around. Especially another guy. It gives me excellent practice for a family. These boys can eat!! :)
Caleb and I decided to go out today and shoot some pictures. He has been doing photography for a while and I knew I could learn ALOT from him. So we left my dear Paul-E to his editing and headed outside. It wasn't too cold so we didn't bundle up much.
We rent a house that sits on almost 3,000 acres. The farmer that owns it has all types of fences around the property. I loved the old wood look and it made a perfect picture spot.
Here are some of the first shots:
I thought it would be cool to include a shot of his boots! He just got them for Christmas. I give them two thumbs up for awesomeness!
Caleb insisted on a "leaning" picture. It turned out really sick!!
By this time the sun was setting and we were getting some good light. There was one more place I wanted to go.
Dead tree. In a field. NICE!
Thanks for reading. This was a long one! Please tell me what you think! We are in this together!
Have a good night!
Love them!
Great shots, Mary! I agree- the one where Caleb is leaning is sick!
-Abby M.
Mary, I do believe you are becoming pretty good! :) Three favorites are: bright sun with the tree, the one with Caleb leaning against the fence, and the boots!
Mary these are AWESOME!! my favorite is caleb on the dead tree with the brown colors. :) Beautiful! and the black silhouette is sad, like a war picture, but I like it.
Caleb is Wicked photogenic! and you my friend, are Wicked talented :)
-cheryl humble-
Good pics Mary! You have to let me know what you did in post processing! Mine never come out that good! Maybe it's just my camera is not so good!
The silhouette in the orange sunset was beautiful! CW-Critique Warning!-The boots needed less in the foreground. But the leaning pic was great with the hay and phone pole in the background. Love #11 and 12 in the tree...Caleb looks like Bear Grylls! :)
Nice Mary, you did a really good job. my favorite one is the the black silhouette!!
If there was a 'Like!' button, I'd be clicking it all over the place. Nice shots! -Adam Smith
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