Paul and I have arguments.
Yeah, I know....its hard to believe(except maybe not for my mom. she knows me too well.) After things cool down a bit Paul leaves me a little bear of some sort on the background of my laptop. A little token to remind me that he still loves me. He just started one day and its become a tradition.
So, yesterday we had a really good day. I got alot of cleaning done and Paul did quite a bit of editing. Things ran very smoothly. Around 3 or so I heard a knock on the front door. Not uncommon. The mail arrived around that time and when it didn't all fit in the box they would deliver it to the door. But today there was something different.
A big brown box.
Addressed to me!
I love packages. Its like Christmas all year long! I rushed inside to show Paul. He was excited when I showed him the box but said in a disappointed voice, "I was hoping we would be mad at each other today". Me: "WHAT?" Now my curiosity was really high. What could be in this box that Paul wanted me to be mad for?? I proceeded to open it at his request.
Out came this red box that looked like a house. It had little doors and heart windows. The top opened and sitting inside was the most adorable little bear! He had a white shirt on with a ribbon across his chest with " i love you" on it. It was from Build-A-Bear and was named "E".
Doing dishes:
Going out in the car:
And at the end of the day I placed him on our bed. He was too cute. I love how Paul shows his love to me. :) Thanks Paul. Thanks for little "E".
That is adorable/sweet, Mary!
Although, I have to admit...I'm disappointed to know you guys fight...I think I should re-think my friendship w/ you guys...;) jk
Love you guys!
~Abby M.
Tell Paul that I said that was really awesome! He is very sympathetic and kind. He reminds me of his father-in-law! Now if "E" only had diapers... :)
Love, Mama
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