On Wednesday I traveled to Texas with my brother, his wife, and two little boys. Paul also left that morning to Virginia with two of my brothers. They were headed for my family's house. I will join them next week.
Thursday night Bonnie and I left at 8:45pm with her two boys and the dog and cat headed for Florida. She is staying with her mom while my brother is on a trip with work. It was a 17 hour drive and we thought we would knock the bulk of it off while the kids slept. It worked and we arrived (with a few breaks) in Florida the next day. Bonnie's mom is watching her daughter's three kids so it has been a houseful with five kids. Many diapers being changed, arguments being
settled, little teeth being brushed and lots of baths given. :) We spent the day on the beach today and got alot of sun.
I look forward to seeing Paul again on Monday. I have a 6:25am flight into Baltimore. Hopefully we will get to hang out down at the Harbor before we head to my house. Haven't seen my family in going on 7 months. Super excited to see them all.
I have taken alot of pictures which I will use for many blog posts. Look for them next week. Hope you all are doing well. I included a picture of my straight off the beach..... :) Its wonderful here.
Have a great night.

1 comment:
I love you Mary... can't wait to see you.
Your Paul-E
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