Tuesday, August 9, 2011


We are currently in the Sunshine State. My family will be heading down here the last week in August for the annual Segreti Camping Trip. Paul and I headed down a few weeks early so we could spend our 2nd year anniversary near the beach. My sister in laws parents are putting us up in their guest room with true southern hospitality. :)

Yesterday Paul and I decided to go check out the surrounding area. We hit the beach for a while and then wandering about the quaint little beach town. On the way back we went back by a fruit stand with fresh citrus produce.

Weird wooden statutes...

A sample!

Paul got some wax for an old surf board Mr B gave him....


Mop said...

You look like two beach bums! Paul must have learned to surf in Cali...probably NOT China!! LOL

Dayna said...

sounds like fun...now don't talk about it anymore! I'm so super jealous right now!