Monday, January 16, 2012

My 24th Birthday

Birthdays around our house were special. Mama would prepare a festive meal, I usually requested Eggplant Parmesan, and she would bake a cake. All your siblings would head to the store with Papa and pick out an assortments of gifts ranging from honey roasted peanuts to a new calender (those were popular because it was always close to the new year).

I was born four days before Christmas. To this day my presents still are always wrapped in Christmas paper. Its just a fact of life. And on the odd occasion I do get Christmas/Birthday presents from people. I always felt ripped off when that happened. Oh, how envious I am of the person with a birthday in June! They get gifts twice a year!

Last month I turned twenty-four. Paul and I celebrated by going to get NY style pizza and watching movie. The Rogers family had a wonderful little party for me when we got back.

And yes, the gifts were Christmas wrapped. :)

Here are just a couple pictures from the day.

1 comment:

mary said...

what about the ones I wrapped? those weren't wrapped in Christmas paper! :)